It seems that often times where there is a person struggling with a particularly resistant condition or malady, there are parts of their personality contributing to creating that resistance to healing. And then there are those that may be "fine" physically, but are suffering socially and spiritually, and some who attempt to pull whomever is around into their story--or drama.
I've leaned a lot on the concept of the "petty tyrant," made famous by Carlos Castaneda. A petty tyrant is just that--a person who's personal conflicts, pain and anger is such that they involve others in order to maintain whatever justifications they have for being in pain or being angry. Their behaviors are unfair, childish, irritating, cruel and dogmatic, putting anyone around them on the defensive which then reflects back to the petty tyrant more reasons to be angry and in pain.
Castaneda's shaman teacher, Don Juan, would say that a good petty tyrant should be treated like gold by any shaman worth their salt, because only petty tyrants can reflect back to the shaman what shadows exists somewhere in the psyche. The shaman would not be experiencing the petty tyrant unless a part of the tyrant was within. Once the shaman has had that shadow reflected back, then is the magical opportunity to embrace the moment--to BE THERE with the shadow, and in so doing, experience the re-unification of the self hidden in the shadow, and thus obtain greater personal power.
The petty tyrant taps into our deepest fears that we truly are tyrants ourselves. It is why we cling to versions of ourselves that we have decided are "good," and live in denial about the versions that are "bad." The petty tyrant can allow us to release the fear, pain and anger that is constantly reminding us that we are "not enough." We come face-to-face with this, the biggest lie behind the ego. The truth is that we are all "enough," and we are all perfect.
I am so grateful for being in this space and around people who understand all this--it makes my personal transformation a true adventure.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
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