For me I had ended a marriage, and was working on a health opportunity. It was at that time in my life that I decided to look into alternative health, having been terribly disappointed by conventional medicine and their lack of viewing the whole person--mind, body and spirit.
Now, 19 years later I'm faced with another health opportunity, and like the last one, it has me waffling between strength and courage. Although daunting, I know on the other side of this I will find greater peace and strength.
Since early this Spring, I've transplanted myself to San Diego, and have been studying with Nancy Tappe, a gifted intuitive who was the first one to discover and define Indigo Children, and I have been attending bi-monthly study groups with Beatrex Quintanna, also a world renown writer and astrologer.
I've accepted a position working with Rodney Schwan, master aromatherapist, and adjunct educator for the Institute for Palliative Medicine at San Diego Hospice. I'll be working with Rodney creating a bridge between allopathic and alternative medicine. Our first scheduled event is November 11, 2011--the title of our workshop is "The Art of Sacred Healing." It will be combining Rodney's life-long pursuit of aromatherapy and the arts, assisted by Joan Marie, certified yoga instructor.
I'd like to acknowledge all the people over the past 10 years who have supported me, so that I can support you: Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney and Ken Looney of Transformation Enzymes; Dr. Yury Kronn of Energy Tools; Barbara Rogers and her natural nearly edible Simply Divine skincare; Joanie Falconer of Oasis Colonics and her amazing products; Ennis and Levi Yoder and their carrot top tea; Candice Covington and her transcendant Tattvas oils and amulets; feng shui master, Gwynne Warner; Dr. Hector Garcia and Matrix Energetics; Janet Barrett, Intuitive; Dr. James Novak, M.D. Integrative Medicine, San Diego; and all the wonderful clients and customers of Subtle Energy Solutions.
You can follow my progress on the blog, I've been very busy assessing my situation and studying up on it since I've been here, but will be doing more blogging soon.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
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