This month is a super important one to practice Feng Shui as it is both the Hungry Ghost Month (July 31-August 28) AND a Mercury Retrograde (August 3-18). Hungry Ghost Month is a time when it's believed that misfortune can come to those whose chi energy levels are depleted or whose luck is running low.
Mercury Retrograde is a time of Heavenly movements which are notorious for affecting travel, communication and computers.
1. Be Vigilant: Expect the unexpected. Watch out for mischief, accidents, and losing your possessions. Use your intuition and pay attention to your dreams for what they can tell you.
2. Protect Your home's Front Entrance: Keep both front and back entrances brightly lit throughout the night to attract chi-positive, bright energy. Check to see if your locks or handles need any repair. Paint your front door a bright, beautiful red for good luck. Have Buddha, Mary, Jesus, Kuan Yin, Kuan Kung, Foo Dogs or whatever protector deity you wish inside the home facing the front door.
3. Protect Your Bedroom: Make sure you have a solid door going into all the bedrooms. Always sleep in the "Commanding Position" with your headboard against a solid wall (a "mountain at your back").
4. Personally Protect You and Your Family: Perform "One Good Deed" or an anonymous act of loving kindness every single day. Burn sandalwood incense. Wear the color red such as a red tie, purse or cinnabar bracelet. Remember to open the windows so the old energy leaves and the breeze carries in fresh, new life-force.
5. Be Proactive for the Mercury Retrograde: Back up your computer, avoid signing contracts without reading the fine print, double-check appointment times, expect travel delays and plan accordingly.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
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