2. Chemical Insecticides or Hebicides- The active ingredient in Roundup is known to cause kidney damage and reproductive harm to mice, and cypermethrin, an active ingredient in Raid, is a known eye, skin and respiratory irritant and damages the central nervous system.
3. Conventional Cleaning Supplies- All-purpose cleaners often contain ammonia, a strong irritant that has been linked to liver and kidney damage. Bleach can burn the skin and eyes. Oven cleaners can cause chemical burns and emit toxic fumes. Choose natural cleaners or mix up your own using vinegar and baking soda.
4. Flame Retardants- Foam items (mattresses, mattress pads, couches, easy chairs, pillows, carpet padding) purchased before 2005 are likely to contain polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), a chemical linked to liver, thyroid and neuro-develomental toxicity. If you’re in the market for a mattress or sofa, look for products that don’t use brominated fire retardants. To make your existing mattress safer, cover it with an organic wool topper.
5. Antibacterial Products- Widespread antibacterial use helps create new strains of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.” Antibacterials may also interfere with immune system development in children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Make it your goal to be clean, not germ-free. Regular soap and water will clean most things.
6. Air Fresheners- These are incredibly toxic and can aggravate respiratory problems like asthma.
7. Chemical Fertilizers- If you have a lawn, choose organic fertilizers, not dangerous chemicals.
We hope this list will help you an your family live a little healthier in your home.
Reprinted courtesy of www.sustainlane.com
we purchased a wood drying rack this summer for drying clothing outside in the sun...helped on the electrical bill. You can find it at http://www.gaiam.com/home.do?code=AF100FS