Most of our lives are spent reacting to what happens to us. And it seems the more intense or negative the circumstance, the more we react to it. This is only natural, because we are beings learning about good and bad, judgment and forgiveness. But what is it that we learn ultimately from all of our intense experiences? We learn that most basic lesson there is: We created it, and are creating it at every moment. Sometimes it takes years to come around to that learning, but that is what we're here to learn.
I used to say I was always trying to "get out ahead of my life." I think it was one of Carlos Casteneda's shaman teachers who said something to the effect that one must "meet the whole of life head on" in order to gain control or regain creativity. I've come to see that by embracing the fact of my own creation, life begins to have so much more meaning, and in this embrace I feel "out in front" of what's happening to me.
I'll catch myself, especially when waking up in the morning, going through lists of things I "must" accomplish or there will be dire consequences. This is reacting to life, because the illusions of future think are driving all the possible scenarios I'm trying to avoid. I am at the mercy of my own scenarios that are dictating my actions and behaviors.
It is better to wake up in the morning with an agenda that creates my life in the highest and best way I can imagine. There--that's much more fun, and more healthy... and, more creative. Instead of reacting to my interpretation of my current or future circumstances, I assess those circumstances as simply part of a "life sculpture" in progress. I mean, just because the outward circumstances of my life don't match my highest imagination doesn't mean I'm in any danger. On the contrary, it means I'm in process and well on my way to living the life of my dreams.
In vibrant health,
Boyd Martin, President
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