It is with a sad heart that I report the passing of Subtle Energy Solutions' president, Shay Arave, on January 9th, 2012. She took over the company in 2001, transforming it from an MLM focussed on one set of products, to an entire retail product line for the express purpose of helping everyone live a vibrant, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
Shay most loved speaking with her customers one-on-one, and helping them with their difficulties and challenges. She inspired so many people, and changed the lives of the hundreds of people she cared so much about. Her beauty, open heart, and angelic caring attitude is greatly missed, yet it was her expressed wish that Subtle Energy Solutions continue on, expanding to help more and more people.
With renewed commitment and energy, we are spreading the word about the unique products we carry, and their huge benefits to all who use them regularly. sister site,, will remain online in Shay's honor, reflecting her great enthusiasm for all the practitioners, inventors, authors, coaches, yogis and sages she admired and interacted with over the years.
We urge you to take another look at our core Subtle Energy Solutions formulas, if you haven't in a while, and find out which ones really speak to you. Include the Gem Elixirs, and Crystals, asking the question, "Which of these will help me the most?" I can guarantee at least one or two will ring a bell. These are the ones your physical and emotional bodies will most utilize.
Having used these formulas myself since 1996, I can confidently report that they have never failed to bring me back to a state of comfort and energy when things have gotten rocky, and have served as a bedrock of self-care for me. Their value and ease of use make them some of the most effective and useful formulas out there. So, please, check them out.
For the next few issues we will be exploring the value of subtle energy for healing and improving quality of life. We believe the entire field of subtle energy and energy medicine is the future of medical care, as more and more mainstream doctors, chiropractors, and naturopaths embrace it--from Deepak Chopra to Dr. Oz; Dr. Mercola to Dr. Andrew Weil--all have made this prediction.
We look forward to having you along on this journey, and welcome your comments and reports on your experiences. And, as Shay would always say, We love to hear from you!
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Boyd Martin, President
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