As daylight wanes and the night grows, many cultures prepared themselves for a journey into the darkness of the unknown--storing food, stacking wood for fires, and huddling together against the threatening cold. In many ways this is a great metaphor about discovering the power that lies locked up in our "dark side," or our unconscious, behind our greatest fears.
One of my favorite bloggers, Leo Babuata of Zen Habits, posted a great article, "Turning Fear Into Fuel," by Jonathan Fields. Whether it be a health challenge, financial worry, or relationship anxieties, the way to resolution is toward these fears, not away from them. Leo offers ways to pull this off, making confronting our fears more of an adventure than a death march.
First, reframe. Notice the negativity of your self-talk, and change the scenario. For example, instead of just asking "what if I fail?" and creating a doomsday scenario, you also ask "how will I recover, what if I do nothing and what if I succeed?" Then build new stories around those questions.
Another is to singletask. Multi-tasking is out. You really only do one thing at a time anyway, and to have your attention on something while you're doing that one thing lowers your efficiency and in some cases can be downright dangerous. One thing at a time is what the human brain does. Let it do it! The focus gained from this approach relieves you of fears and anxieties of not getting other things done. You'll get to them when you get to them.
Life really is an adventure--not a death march. In fact, when a sense of adventure is felt, it has been scientifically shown to immediately boost the immune system.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President
Vibrant Living Newsletter
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