I've been studying the Ayurvedic methodology lately, and one of my dear yoga teachers, Laura Plumb, has been a very informative source of information on the subject. She has a great blog worth following, called "Food: A Love Story". Here are her best tips for lifestyle changes to follow the fall season:
- Rest & Nest ~ Do less. Breathe deep. Turn inward. Come evening, let yourself go gently into the night: Gaze at the Moon. Gaze at a candle. Gaze at the darkness. Dive into the quiet. Enjoy the stillness.
- Hydrate ~ Start your day with lemon and water. Drink warm ginger tea with your meals. Sip Spicy Tea throughout the day.
- Abhyanga ~ Give yourself a vigorous full-body, organic oil massage every morning before you shower. (Yes, oil BEFORE shower!). Massage your feet at night with warm oil and cover with cotton socks before bed.
- Mineral Baths ~ Soak in a warm bath with Epsom Salts. Add lavender or your favorite essential oil. Do this often. Ahhhhhhh.
- Yogic Power Nap ~ Lie down in Supported Viparita Karani Mudra (photo right) for 15-20 minutes, three times a week. Let time melt away. Feel the peace of relaxation. Allow your body and mind to be deeply nourished and restored.
Until next time...
In vibrant health,
Shay Arave, President